Dhathuruveringe Market is a popular Maldivian farmers market in Maldives’ capital city, Malé - situated directly on the sea front by Malé North Harbour. The market specialises in local fruit and vegetables such as dragon fruit, papaya, taro, screw pine, rambutan, purple mangosteen, custard apple, mango, coconut and more. You can also find Maldivian delicacies such as Addu Bendi (a sweet treat, made from grated coconut and golden syrup)

Things To Do In The Maldives

Dhathuruveringe Market: Local Fruit & Vegetables

Dhathuruveringe Market is a popular Maldivian farmers market in Maldives’ capital city, Malé - situated directly on the sea front by Malé North Harbour. The market specialises in local fruit and vegetables such as dragon fruit, papaya, taro, screw pine, rambutan, purple mangosteen, custard apple, mango, coconut and more. You can also find Maldivian delicacies such as Addu Bendi (a sweet treat, made from grated coconut and golden syrup)
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